Wednesday, January 12, 2011

donut remorse????? a little bit:)

so you can see from the previous post that I had an issue tonight. Someone brought cookies and donuts tonight for the kids. Well I could not resist. Carbs and sweets are my "go to guy"!! I did lose 2 points! One for eating after 8 and 1 for eating the enemy donut, actually 2 donuts....and a cookie.....

The day as a whole went really well until the evening when I was confronted with my nemisis!!!

I did learn 2 things....1. I really need to have a bottle of water and gum with me at all times, I can usually curb my cravings with those two things. Tonight I had neither.
2. Even thought I did fall victim to the ruthless carb monster, I had a very good day in all my other areas!! Even though I did stumble a bit, I finished the day on a really good note! I am bummed that because if that donut I didn't get to record a double digit point day...sadness. But there is always tomorrow!!! Despite the missteps I have had the first few days of this change of lifestyle I DO feel myself more conscious of the life around me whether it be food, sleep, or exercise which is something I am very proud of!! And this is only 3 days in!!!!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Awesome. You make me laugh so hard. Jeremiah asked if you would think I was being mean by posting that picture. I told him you were warned.